
I love people. I love ideas. There is nothing more exciting to me than watching people’s ideas have an impact on the way others think and conduct their lives. And in this way, books have always been used as a vehicle to convey messages. Whether it be a rousing thriller, a literary masterpiece, a self-help book or a cookbook, all of these are wonderful pathways for understanding our place in the world that much better each and every day. There isn’t a day that passes when I’m not completely energised and engaged, looking forward to meeting those ideas head on and working closely with our clients to achieve the best books possible so that readers everywhere can learn, live, love and laugh. Words and language are the cornerstone of our lives, whether it be the written word, the spoken word, body language, or sign language. As social beings it is one of our deepest needs to communicate, and books teach us all how to live better. It’s our aim to achieve maximum impact and serve our clients as the best literary agency, maximising personal attention with bestselling potential. Hope to see you here soon.

Dorie XOXO