A Bit of Fun

An Ode to the Literary Agent

In worlds of words, where stories soar,
A literary agent tends the store.
With keen eyes and hearts alight,
They seek the gems that gleam so bright.

Through pages filled with dreams untold,
They journey deep, both young and old.
In realms of ink and paper's grace,
They find the tales that leave a trace.

With patience as their guiding light,
They nurture voices, clear and bright.
They polish prose with gentle hand,
To help the writer's vision stand.

In bustling markets, fierce and grand,
They champion works across the land.
They pitch and plead, they negotiate,
To find the perfect publishing fate.

But more than deals and contracts signed,
They build a bond, both warm and kind.
For in the heart of every tale,
Lies the agent's passion, never frail.

So here's to those who guide the pen,
And bring the author's dreams to ken.
For in their hands, the stories grow,
In worlds of words, where dreams aglow.