
Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge...

Ideas and Books for Life

As a Literary Agent, I'm looking for talented Authors with unique voices and compelling stories that have market potential. I’m looking for manuscripts that are well-written, polished, and suitable for the current publishing landscape. I'm interested in Authors who are committed to their craft, willing to collaborate, and have a platform or potential for building one. My goal is to find manuscripts that resonate with readers and have the potential to secure publishing deals and achieve success in the industry.

Many years ago I coined a term called ‘FICTION PLUS’ to help my clients understand that it’s not just about writing a story that they want to tell, with characters, a plot and some great, thought provoking or provocative dialogue. The books that are going to make it through my net will be stories that are set in a time and place where I can actually learn something, whether it’s learning about a different culture than the one I inhabit, or whether it’s a period of history in which I can be served up a point of view or facts without having to read the dry stuff, a book that I ultimately walk away from much better informed about life, people, culture, art, history, basically anything that makes the world turn. A book that will make me actually put it down to look up something that I didn’t already know. A tough ask you might say…well that’s your challenge as a writer. It’s not easy. It is a craft and the more you do it, hopefully the better you get at doing it…but from my perspective it helps if you bear in mind what I’ve said above.

Ultimately with the clients we represent and the books they write we aim to foster global connections and promote diverse voices in the world of literature, in both fiction and non-fiction.


Our Submission Guidelines:

  • Please send us the first chapter or first twenty pages of your novel, whichever is less, as well as a full synopsis and a covering letter, with a brief CV of your writing career, if appropriate.
  • For non-fiction projects, please send a detailed proposal, alongside the covering letter and CV.
    Please do not submit a full-length manuscript unless requested.
  • We only accept submissions by email to:
  • At the time of submission please let us know if your manuscript/proposal is under consideration by other agents or publishers anywhere in the world
  • We work with a limited number of clients to keep our list tight and focused. If you have not heard from us then that means that we are not taking you on as a client.